Shocker Rider Number 1 was the first and the main leader of Shocker Riders, a division of Kamen Riders made by Gel-Shocker. He wears yellow boots and gloves while having a yellow scarf to differentiate his appearance from his teammates.
After the destruction of Gel-Shocker School, General Black called forth Shocker Rider Number 1. No. 1 first start fighting Haetoribachi, and he killed two men with an acid spit. But soon General Black interrupts them, revealing that it was just a training session for the Shocker Rider. Their goal is to eliminate the Anti-Shocker Alliance before they can join with the Rider Squad.
Publication Information
- Rider : Shocker Rider Number 1
- Japanese : ショッカーライダー No. 1
- Gender : Male
- Series : Kamen Rider
- Color sign : yellow scarf
- Motif : Grasshopper, Skull Man
- Rider Type : Villain
- Homeworld : Earth
- First Appearance : Gel-Shocker, Enroll in Terror School
- Last Appearance : The True Identity of the Gel-Shocker Leader
- Number of Appearances : 4
- Voice Actor : Michihiro Ikemizu (voice), Hiroshi Fujioka (Hongo's voice mimicry)
The Shocker Rider drops the voice change, and fights against the original Kamen Rider. They're perfectly matched, and the Shocker Rider even has his own Cyclone. However, soon the Shocker Rider reveals his own tricks, like a blade built into his leg that could be detached and wielded as a knife. Haetoribachi reappears, and, fighting alongside the Shocker Rider, easily defeats the original one, who's left hanging on rocks to avoid falling into the sea.
In other media
The Shocker Riders have also appeared in media outside of the TV show, such as the original Kamen Rider manga, the S.I.C. Hero Saga story Missing Link, and the reboot movie Kamen Rider The First. The manga had the Shocker Riders numbering at twelve rather than six, and Missing Link honored that original count, while Kamen Rider The First used the count seen in the TV series.
Video Game appearances
Kamen Rider video game
The Shocker Rider is an unlockable character that appear in the PlayStation Kamen Rider video game. He is unlocked by completing the Shocker Story mode. He can only be fought by the player in the "Shocker Story" and if player successfully passes the 8th round, he also can be turned into despite he is not kaijin. His attack styles are same with Shocker Combatmen and Gel-Shocker Combatmen.
All Kamen Rider : Rider Generation
Shocker Rider Number 1 appears as a mini bosses alongside other Shocker Riders in the video game
Form / Abilities / Shocker Rider Number 1

Like most Shocker Riders, Shocker Rider Number 1 possess an exact strength and power that similarly matched that of Kamen Rider 1. The original Kamen Rider manga gives an in-depth analysis of the entire schematics used by Rider 1, Rider 2, and the manga Shocker Riders. Among them are:
- Ultrasensitive Antenna : Sense the presence of enemies and incoming attacks
- Cat's Eye : Allows infrared night vision
- Signal O : A brainwave transmission device that can detect other cyborgs
- Crusher : The face plate that can break chains
- Artificial Lungs : Can recycle oxygen for two hours
- Pulmonary Converter : Catches wind power to convert it to energy, also acts as a radiator
- Power Converter : Capsules on the belt that store energy
- Typhoon : Transformation belt which is an anemometer which measures the Rider's energy
- Artificial Muscle : Gives the Rider the strength to jump like a giant grasshopper
- Jump Shoes : The soles are elastic-like springs.
- Voice Mimicry : Shocker Riders can disguise their voices to match that of Rider 1
- Micro Missile Launcher : Hidden missile launchers in fingers that can fire small missiles
- Typhoon : Transformation belt
- Retractable Blades : Hidden blades underneath his boots that can be remove as handheld daggers.
- Fake New Cyclone : A replica of the original New Cyclone with yellow lines between red lines. Destroyed during bike battle against Rider 2.
- O Medal
- Wizard Ring
- This Rider Ring which bears the likeness of Shocker Rider Number 1 is exclusive to Kamen Rider Wizard's Wizard Ring toyline. When used by a WizarDriver wearer, it would be able to summon Shocker Rider Number 1.
- Shocker Rider Lockseed : Allows the user to transform into Shocker Arms. Same with Kamen Rider 1's Lockseed, the core image depicts the Typhoon while the lid backside image depicts the Shocker Rider Number 1's Rider Kick gesture, only with a background color of yellow. Gaim/Kurokage/Bujin Gaim/Kamuro-styled Lockseed. It was the third and final of 3 unknown Lockseeds during the release of the Showa Rider Lockseeds.
- Transformation : Shocker Arms: Nise no Hero, Dead Go!
- Squash : Finger Missile!
- Au Lait : Fake New Cyclone!
- Sparking : Shocker Rider Kick!