Garo is the golden Makai Armor that specializes in long sword combat. Whoever wields the armor shall take the title of Garo the Golden Knight. The armor belonged to the Saejima bloodline for a time, belonging to Taiga Saezima, later inherited by Kouga Saezima and Raiga Saezima. The Garo armor was created by blacksmiths of the Makai Order many generations ago.
Like all Makai Armors, they are completely composed of soul metal and designed after a wolf. Beyond the wolf motif, the armor is designed to be more gallant and noble in appearance. Adorned in golden plating, the armor radiates a bright golden hue and occasionally blast fire to create a powerful psychological effect upon its opponents. Amongst all armors, the Garo armor set and equipment is the most deceptive in form. The Garo armor's earliest bearer is a barbarian named Gouki who is an ancestor of the Minamoto Clan and those who would succeed him as Garo. After a brief time in Europe, the Garo armor returned to Japan where it since is been kept within the Saezima blood line, a youth entering the Tower of Heroic Spirits to be given his birthright and the title of Garo. The one who takes the title of Garo is regarded to be the strongest knight.
Publication Information
- Garo : Garo
- Japanese : 黄金騎士・牙狼(ガロ
- Version : Garo 2011
- Alter Ego : Golden Knight Garo
- Type : Golden Makai Armor
- Height :
- Weight :
- Maximum Power :
- Maximum Flight :
- Punching Power :
- Kicking Power :
- Maximum Jump Height :
- Maximum Running Speed :
- Users :
- Season : Garo : Makai Senki
Like many Makai Knight armors, the Garo armor was created with Soul Metal used as material in the armor's creation. While it's unknown who first donned the Garo armor, the armor became a revered legend among the Makai Order. The first known holder of the Garo armor is Gouki. In present day Japan, the Garo armor became associated with the Saejima Family as they answer to the Eastern Watchdog. Inheriting the title from Taiga Saejima after his death, Kouga Saejima trained for years until he was ready to carry out his family's mission.
In time, though only displaced in time alongside his wife Kaoru, Kouga passed the Garo armor to their son Raiga Saejima. Garo's reputations as powerful Makai Knight led the bearers of the armor become feared and hated by Horrors who fought them time and time again, moreso than other Makai Knights. As such, mutual resentments of these Horrors led their evil combine into Zaji.
Ancient Variations
Heavenly Flying Garo

- Heavenly Flying Garo
- Also known : Soaring Garo
- Users : Gouki
- Empowered by the feelings of his new friends Ren, Shin, and Taku during a battle with the powerful Horror Zarugin, Gouki's armor takes on the winged Heavenly Flying Garo allowing him to defeat the Horror
Lost Soul Beast Garo

- Lost Soul Beast Garo
- Also known : Heart Destruction Beast Form Garo
- Users :
- Kouga Saejima
- Raiga Saezima
- Known as the Lost Soul Beast Garo, this transformation occurs when the wearer of the Golden Armor fully gives into rage as the 99.9 second time limit has run out and turned the wearer into werewolf like berserker. There are only two present day instances of this transformation.

- Light Awakening Beast Garo
- Also known : Luminous Beast Form Garo
- Users : Raiga Saezima
- The Light Awakening Beast Garo is unique form that Raiga only achieved after his light rekindled while still in Lost Soul Beast Garo form.
Winged Garo

- Winged Garo
- Also known : Tsubasabito Garo
- Users : Kouga Saezima
- During a fight with Messiah one of Kaoru's painting came to life giving Kouga wings.

- Master Garo
- Also known : Tsubasabito Garo
- Users :
- Kouga Saejima
- Taiga Saezima
- During Garo's final fight against Kiba, Kouga could not summon his armor due to a magic seal placed by Kiba with Zaruba having his owner throw him into the dimensional rip to bring his armor.
- After a long exaggerated battle with Kiba, Kouga tried to summon Garo again and this time Kouga's armor was brought out by cherub versions of Zaruba to help him gear up, signifying that this was a different more powerful summon of the armor.
- The armor was slightly different this time, and included a cape unlike previous transformations. This upgrade came with a price paid by Zaruba who rusted away after Kouga defeats Kiba.

- Phosphorus Garo
- Also known :
- Users : Kouga Saezima
- While fighting Legules, Garo uses the Phosphorus Arrow to assume a new form to negate the Legules' influence.

- Dragon Formation Garo
- Also known :
- Users : Kouga Saezima
- A form Garo assumed when Rekka used her flute to summon all the Makai Warrior spirits who had fallen to Karma to give Kouga's armor the power to defeat Karma.

- Blue Dragon Garo
- Also known : Power Up version of Garo and Gōten
- Users : Kouga Saezima
- Power Up version of Garo and Gōten, created when Kakashi sacrificed himself by giving his heart and all its feelings within it to Kouga, giving him the power he needed to escape from Maryu's clutches before he could be erased.
- The Garo armor is typically passed on an inheritance from the previous generation. The usual change in the armor after it has been passed is the eyes color:
- Gouki had silver eyes during his time as Garo.
- Taiga Saezima had red eyes during his time as Garo.
- Kouga Saezima had green eyes during his time as Garo.
- Raiga Saezima had blue eyes during his time as Garo.
- Main Article : Kouga Saezima Character