Kamen Rider G3
In light of the threat of Unidentified Lifeforms (the Grongi), Tokyo's Metropolitan Police Department Unidentified Lifeform (M・P・D/S・A・U・L) received funding from the city government to develop a powered, reinforced exo-suit based on the No.4 Unidentified Liferform, Kuuga to respond to menace.
However, because the Gurongi was eliminated long before completion, research on the project was postponed indefinitely. By this time, the data acquired from the G1 and G2 had been implemented into the Generation-3 (3rd generation exo-armor), which was entering its final phase of development, ready for live-combat deployment.
But with the emergence of the Lords, the S・A・U・L's G3 unit was reinstated and recommissioned to contend with the threat. Its most potent armament is the GG-Launcher (GG-02 Salamander). Physically, the G3 exo-suit would resemble Kuuga's Mighty Form, but its capabilities during combat are comparable to Kuuga's Growing Form, and is shown to be weak against attacks from Agito and Lords. Makoto Hikawa is Kamen Rider G3, the secondary hero used in the 2001 Kamen Rider series, Kamen Rider Agito, using technology in place of the mystic nature of Agito and organic nature of Gills. He's the first Secondary Rider to appear in the series. G3 was based on The Unidentified Lifeform No. 4 or Kamen Rider Kuuga.
Publication Information
- Riders : Kamen Rider G3
- Japanese : 仮面ライダーG3
- Type : Technology In Place Of Mystic Nature Of Agito And Organic Nature Of Gills
- Season : Kamen Rider Agito
- First Appeareance : Kamen Rider Agito Episod 1 : The Warrior's Awakening
- Last Appeareance : Kamen Rider × Super Sentai : Super Hero Taisen
- Appeareance : 1-4, 6, 14, 17-19, 21-22 - Agito, Super Hero Taisen
- Main View : Full Episod
Kamen Rider × Super Sentai : Super Hero Taisen
G3 was among the Kamen Rider team led by Kamen Rider Knight, Kamen Rider Black, Kamen Rider Zolda, Kamen Rider Hibiki and Kamen Rider Gatack defeated by Gokai Red. It's unknown if he reappeared or not during the final battle.
Video Game Appearances
- Kamen Rider Agito & Kuuga Wild Battle
- Kamen Rider Agito Video Game
G3 Users:
From Kamen Rider Agito:
- Makoto Hikawa
- Toru Hojo : Creator of the Victory One System
- Shouichi Tsugami : Kamen Rider Agito
- Takahiro Omuro : Kamen Rider G3 Mild, G3
- Shouichi Ashikawa : Exceed Gills, Kamen Rider Agito
- Unnamed Police Officer : From early episode 12
- Daiki Kaito : Kamen Rider Diend
- Yusuke Onodera : Kamen Rider Kuuga
- Urataros : Possessed Diend Summoned Kamen Rider G3 in Cho Kamen Rider Den-O & Decade NEO Generations : The Onigashima Battleship
Generation-3 System / Kamen Rider G3

- Kamen Rider G3
- Head height: 192 centimeters
- Base weight: 150 kilograms
- Punching power: 1t
- Kicking power: 3t
- Highest jump: 10m (broad)
- Top speed: 100m/10s
- Vision: 5 km approx.
- Hearing: 5 km approx.
- Defense Rating: 8
- Appearances : Episodes 1-4, 6, 14, 17-19, 21-22, Super Hero Taisen
- Physically, the G3 exo-suit would resemble Kuuga's Mighty Form, but its capabilities during combat are comparable to Kuuga's Growing Form, and is shown to be weak against attacks from Agito and Lords.
- Guard Acceler
- GM-01 Scorpion
- GG-02 Salamander
- GS-03 Destroyer
- GA-04 Anthares
- GX-05 Cerberus
- GK-06 Unicorn
- Guard Chaser
- G-Trailer

Legend Rider Device
KamenRide : G3

- Main Article : KamenRide : G3
Related Post : Source : Wikipedia / kamenrider.wikia