Kamen Rider Knuckle or known as Zack is a former member of Azami's Beat Rider team and the former second leader of Team Baron. As the group's former second-in-command, he was promoted to the position when their leader, Kaito Kumon, stepped down to focus on the mystery surrounding Helheim Forest. In his first Inves Battle, he is shown using the Matsubokkuri Lockseed. He later receives a mass production Sengoku Driver from Kaito who obtained it during his capture and escape from Yggdrasill. When Kaito quits Team Baron so that he can fight the Yggdrasill Corporation and not to put his teammates in danger, he gives Zack the Team's leadership and gives him a Sengoku Driver.
When Oren is about to disrupt the Beat Riders' stage performance, Zack shows his heroic side for the first time in the series by risking himself to protect the Beat Rider dancers via becoming Kamen Rider Knuckle and assisting Gaim. With the Sengoku Driver he received and his own Kurumi Lockseed, he is able to transform into Kamen Rider Knuckle, the second rider in Team Baron. Like with the other Armored Riders, Kamen Rider Knuckle's forms are called Arms. His Sengoku Driver plays American rock & roll music and emits a guitar riff sound before every transformation, while his personal Lockseeds are styled in pure English with a Mr. Adjective/Noun theme. By pressing the Sengoku Driver's Cutting Blade down on the Lockseed after transforming from one to three times, Knuckle can activate one of three finishing moves based on his current Arms form: Squash, Au Lait, or Sparking.
Publication Information
- Gaim : Kamen Rider Knuckle
- Japanese : 仮面ライダーナックル
- Version : Kamen Rider Gaim
- Alter Egos : Zack
- Type : Armored Riders
- Affiliation : Team Baron
- Gender : Male
- Origin : Earth
- Appeareance : Kamen Rider Gaim
Knuckle Ride Wear
- Knuckle Ride Wear
- The Ride Wear is Knuckle's default form undersuit, which is briefly seen during Knuckle's transformation sequence before the Armor Part attaches or when he changes Arms. However, this form is completely vulnerable to any incoming attacks when shot at directly in the suit rather than at the Arms that is descending down on the Rider.
- Unlike the original Armored Riders, Knuckle's Ride Wear isn't identifiable through his Sengoku Driver's Rider Indicator faceplate due to using a mass-produced Sengoku Driver. As a result, the Rider Indicator is blank. However, it can be replaced with extensions such as the Genesis Core or Senyo Joint
- Knuckle Kurumi Arms
- Origin : Earth (Main Timeline Continuity)
- Version : Kamen Rider Gaim
- Type : Amored Riders
- Arms : Kurumi
- Alter Ego : Zack
- Announcement : (Guitar riff) Kurumi Arms: Mr. Knuckleman! (Three count bell ring with cheering crowds)
- Height : 204 cm.
- Weight : 107 kg.
- Punching power : 8.1 t.
- Kicking power : 9.0 t.
- Maximum jump height : 26 m.
- Maximum running speed : 100 m. per 5.9 sec.
- Appearances : Gaim Episodes 18, 20, Gaim Gaiden: Baron, Gaim 21, 25, 26, 30-32, 34, 37, Golden Fruits Cup!, Gaim 38-40, 42, 44, 45, Gaim Gaiden: Knuckle, Final Stage.
- Kurumi Arms is Knuckle's default walnut-based armored Medieval Squire form. Accessed through the Kurumi Lockseed, this form bears the Knuck Met helmet with the Knuck Eye visor. This form debuts in episode 18. While assuming Kurumi Arms, Knuckle dons the Kurumi Armor Part and his Arms Weapon is the Kurumi Bombers. In this form, Knuckle's offensive stats are lower than Gridon's, but he has better agility stats, jumping higher and running faster than the aforementioned Rider.
- Zack loses access to Kurumi Arms in a battle against Kaito, resulting in the destruction of his Kurumi Lockseed and Sengoku Driver. He regains the form after receiving a brand new Sengoku Driver and new Kurumi Lockseed from Mitsuzane.
- Squash : Knuckle jumps into the air while golden energy surrounds his right foot that releases walnut-shaped energy as he strikes the target with a powerful front kick.
- Knuckle Crash : When Knuckle activates the Au Lait function, he jumps into the air as a projection of a walnut covers him before he strikes the target with a super powered punch. Alternatively, Knuckle launches an average sized energy shaped-like walnuts at the target.
- Sparking : Knuckle punches in the air, creating giant energy spheres shaped like walnuts at the target
- Knuckle Jimber Marron Arms
- Announcement : Soiya! (or Guitar Riff) Mix: Jimber Marron! Ha-Ha!
- Appeareance : Gaim Gaiden: Kamen Rider Knuckle
- Jimber Marron Arms is Knuckle's walnut/chestnut-based armored Japanese Samurai/Brawler form, as well as his final form. which is accessed through the simultaneous use of the Kurumi Lockseed and Marron Energy Lockseed via the Genesis Core replacing his Sengoku Driver's Rider Indicator. While assuming Jimber Marron Arms, Knuckle dons the Jimber Marron Armor Part and his Arms Weapon is the Marron Bombers. This Arms' finisher has three variations depending on which function Knuckle activates from his Sengoku Driver.
- Squash : Knuckle jumps up and fires the Marron Bombers' spikes at the enemy, shedding off their shells before landing two fiery punches at once.
- Knuckle Crash : Knuckle uses an Au Lait function, and he charges the "peeled" Marron Bombers with flames and delivers an explosive punching attack.
These Arms involve Lockseeds that are normally used by a different Armored Rider. With the exception of Suika Arms, all of these forms are exclusive to Kamen Rider Battle: Ganbarizing.
Knuckle Suika Arms
- Knuckle Suika Arms
- Origin : Earth (Main Timeline Continuity)
- Version : Kamen Rider Gaim
- Type : Amored Riders
- Arms : Suika
- Alter Ego : Zack
- Announcement :
- (Guitar riff) Suika Arms : Odama Big Bang! (Bowling pins falling)
- Yoroi/Odama/Gyro Mode!
- Height : 311 cm.
- Weight : 523 kg.
- Punching power : 33.2 t.
- Kicking power : 51.8 t.
- Maximum jump height : 3 m.
- Maximum running speed : 100 m. per 9.8 sec.
- Appearances : Gaim Episodes 39, 40.
While assuming Suika Arms, Knuckle dons the Suika Armor Part and his Arms Weapon is a pair of boxing gloves reminiscent of his Kurumi Bombers created from energy watermelons. This form can also interchange into three modes.
- Yoroi Mode : Suika Arms' warrior mode, which equips Knuckle with its boxing glove weapons for combat
- Odama Mode : Suika Arms' watermelon mode, which encases Knuckle's entire body to use either for offensive/defensive purposes or as a mode of transportation.
- Gyro Mode : Suika Arms' flight mode, which allows Knuckle to fire seed-like bullets from the fingertips
- Knuckle Donguri Arms
- Announcement : (Guitar riff) Donguri Arms: Never Give Up!
- Appeareance :
- Donguri Arms is Knuckle's acorn-based armored Medieval Squire form. Accessed through the Donguri Lockseed, this form bears the Dome Casque helmet with the Nut Eye visor. While assuming Donguri Arms, Knuckle dons the Donguri Armor Part and his Arms Weapon is the Donkachi.
- Knuckle Matsubokkuri Arms
- Announcement : (Guitar riff) Matsubokkuri Arms: Ichigeki in the Shadows!
- Appeareance :
- Matsubokkuri Arms is Knuckle's pinecone-based armored Japanese Ashigaru form. Accessed through the Matsubokkuri Lockseed, this form bears the Matsu Kabuto helmet with the Comb Eye visor. While assuming Matsubokkuri Arms, Knuckle dons the Matsubokkuri Armor Part and his Arms Weapon is the Kagematsu.
The Rider Arms are forms based on past Kamen Riders. All of these forms are exclusive to Kamen Rider Battle: Ganbarizing. However, some of these forms are also used in the norm by other Armored and New Generation Riders.
Knuckle Kuuga Arms
- Knuckle Kuuga Arms
- Announcement : (Guitar riff) Kuuga Arms : Chō Henshin, Ha-Ha-Ha!
- Appeareance :
- Kuuga Arms is a Legend Rider Arms based on Kamen Rider Kuuga's Mighty Form, which is accessed through the Kuuga Lockseed. While assuming Kuuga Arms, Knuckle dons the Kuuga Armor Part and he can utilize pyrokinetic melee attacks during finishers instead of possessing an Arms Weapon.
- Sengoku Driver
- Removable slots for additional Lockseeds : Genesis Core
- Knuckle Lockseeds
- Arms Weapons - Weapons that come with the Arms: