Kamen Rider Duke or Ryoma Sengoku initially transformed using a Sengoku Driver. He later upgrades himself along with Takatora using the Genesis Driver and the Lemon Energy Lockseed in place of his regular Lemon Lockseed. Further upgrades were then given to Genesis Driver to allow him to combat the weaker Over Lords with relative ease as well with additional functionality.
He is the only New Generation Rider in the series whose Genesis Driver has a transformation announcement that says more than just "Soda! Energy Arms!" similar to the Armored Riders' Sengoku Drivers. Chronologically, he's the first Armored turned New Generation Rider to use an upgraded version of their primary normal Lockseed afterwards. Takatora was the first before Ryoma by production.
Like the Armored Riders and his fellow New Generation Riders, Kamen Rider Duke's forms are called Arms. His Genesis Driver announces Soda before every transformation. By pushing the Genesis Driver's Seaboll Compressor into the Energy Lockseed after transforming from one to two times, Duke can activate one of two finishing moves based on his current Arms form: Squash or Sparking. In addition to the Genesis Driver's finishing moves, Duke can perform a Sonic Volley finishing attack by inserting an Energy Lockseed into the Energy Drive Bay of his Sonic Arrow.
Publication Information
- Gaim : Kamen Rider Duke
- Japanese : 仮面ライダーデューク
- Version : Kamen Rider Gaim
- Alter Egos : Ryoma Sengoku
- Type : Armored Riders
- Affiliation : Yggdrasill Corporation
- Gender : Male
- Origin : Earth
- Appeareance : Kamen Rider Gaim
Kamen Rider Duke
Duke Genetic Ride Wear
- Duke Genetic Ride Wear
- The Genetic Ride Wear is Duke's default form undersuit, which is briefly seen during Duke's transformation sequence before the Armor Part attaches. However, this form is completely vulnerable to any incoming attacks when shot at directly in the suit rather than at the Arms that is descending down on the Rider. This Genetic Ride Wear was formerly Duke's normal Ride Wear when he was still using a Sengoku Driver
- When using Dragon Energy Arms, Duke's Genetic Ride Wear receives minor modifications, denoting it as a particularly powerful Arms.
Duke Lemon Arms
- Duke Lemon Arms
- Origin : Earth (Main Timeline Continuity)
- Version : Kamen Rider Gaim
- Type : New Generation Amored Riders
- Arms : Lemon
- Alter Ego : Ryoma Sengoku
- Announcement : Come On! Lemon Arms: Incredible Ryo~ma!
- Height :
- Weight :
- Punching power :
- Kicking power :
- Maximum jump height :
- Maximum running speed :
- Appearances : Gaim Gaiden : Kamen Rider Duke.
- Lemon Arms is Duke's lemon-based armored European Knight form accessed with the Lemon Lockseed. While assuming Lemon Arms, Duke dons the Lemon Armor Part and his Arms Weapon is the Lemon Rapier. This was the original form of Kamen Rider Duke before Ryoma created the Genesis Driver. Once the new belt was completed, Ryoma retired his Sengoku Driver in favor of the vastly superior Genesis Driver and Energy Lockseeds.
Duke Lemon Energy Arms
- Duke Lemon Energy Arms
- Origin : Earth (Main Timeline Continuity)
- Version : Kamen Rider Gaim
- Type : New Generation Amored Riders
- Arms : Lemon Energy
- Alter Ego : Ryoma Sengoku
- Announcement : Soda! Lemon Energy Arms : Fight, Power! Fight, Power! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fi-Fi-Fi-Fi-Fight!
- Height : 206 cm
- Weight : 119 kg
- Punching power : 15.7 t.
- Kicking power : 19.5 t.
- Maximum jump height : 22 m.
- Maximum running speed : 100 m. per 6.4 sec.
- Appearances : Gaim Gaiden : Duke, Gaim Episodes 14, 18, 19, Gaim Gaiden: Zangetsu, Gaim 28, 31, 32, Golden Fruits Cup!, Gaim 38-41, 43, Final Stage.
- Lemon Energy Arms is Duke's default lemon-based armored European Knight/Archer form. Accessed through the Lemon Energy Lockseed, this form bears the Lemos Headpiece helmet with the Steering Eye visor. This form debuts in episode 14, but its transformation sequence debuts in episode 28. While assuming Lemon Energy Arms, Duke dons the Lemon Energy Armor Part and his Arms Weapon is the Sonic Arrow.
- Compared to his fellow New Generation Riders, Duke has the hardest punches and kicks. However, his agility stats are subpar. Ryoma later tweaks his Genesis Driver to increase the overall performance of Duke's stats, allowing him to combat Over Lord Shinmugurun with relative ease whereas Gaim Kachidoki Arms struggled to fight against Shinmugurun. In episode 40, Duke also has an invisible/camouflage ability to manage escaping when Redyue uses hypnosis to channeling Gaim to see his vision.
- Genesis Driver Finisher
- Unnamed finisher: Duke activates the Squash function on his Genesis Driver and fuels all the energy from the Lemon Energy Lockseed into his body, which is then converted into multiple illusions of himself that surround the target before he executes his Sonic Arrow's standard Lemon Energy-like finishing attack.
- Sonic Arrow Finisher
- Sonic Volley : Duke locks the Lemon Energy Lockseed into the Sonic Arrow and fires a powerful arrow shot that when it hits a target forms a lemon slice for a brief second before exploding.
- Duke's second Sonic Volley much like the combination of himself's Lemon Energy Squash finisher and Baron's shooting version Sonic Volley: First his Sonic Arrow shows extending, then he shoots a powerful arrow shot that Lemon pierces through the target.
- Duke Dragon Energy Arms
- Origin : Earth (Main Timeline Continuity)
- Version : Kamen Rider Gaim
- Type : New Generation Amored Riders
- Arms : Dragon Energy
- Alter Ego : Ryoma Sengoku
- Announcement : SODA! Dragon Energy Arms! (Fast techno music)
- Height : 206 cm
- Weight : 119 kg
- Punching power : 15.7 t
- Kicking power : 19.5 t
- Maximum jump height : 22 m
- Maximum running speed : 100 m. per 6.4 sec.
- Appearances : Drive & Gaim : Movie War Full Throttle.
- Dragon Energy Arms is Duke's pitaya-based armored European Knight/Archer form, as well as his final form, accessed through the Dragon Fruits Energy Lockseed. While assuming Dragon Energy Arms, Duke dons the Dragon Energy Armor Part and his Arms Weapon is the Sonic Arrow.
- Genesis Driver finisher
- Unnamed Rider Slash : Duke activates the Squash function on his Genesis Driver and fuels all the energy from the Dragon Fruits Energy Lockseed into his body, which is then converted into Sonic Arrow, before he executes Pitaya-shaped energy slash attack.
- Sonic Arrow finisher
- Sonic Volley : Duke locks the Dragon Fruits Energy Lockseed into the Sonic Arrow and fires a powerful arrow shot that when it hits a target forms a Asian lung energy for a brief second before exploding.
These Arms involve Lockseeds that are normally used by a different New Generation Rider. None of these Arms were assumed on-screen, but can be simulated via the Arms Change toyline.
Duke Cherry Energy Arms
- Duke Cherry Energy Arms
- Announcement : Soda! Cherry Energy Arms! (Techno beat music)
- Appeareance :
- Cherry Energy Arms is Duke's cherry-based armored European Viking/Archer form. Accessed through the Cherry Energy Lockseed (reserved for Sigurd), this form bears the Cher Headpiece helmet with the Steering Eye visor. While assuming Cherry Energy Arms, Duke dons the Cherry Energy Armor Part and his Arms Weapon is the Sonic Arrow.
- Duke Melon Energy Arms
- Announcement : Soda! Melon Energy Arms! (Japanese techno music)
- Appeareance :
- Melon Energy Arms is Duke's Yubari King cantaloupe-based armored Japanese Samurai/Archer form. Accessed through the Melon Energy Lockseed (reserved for Zangetsu Shin), this form bears the Barilon Kabuto helmet with the Steering Eye visor. While assuming Melon Energy Arms, Duke dons the Melon Energy Armor Part and his Arms Weapon is the Sonic Arrow.
- Duke Peach Energy Arms
- Announcement : Soda! Peach Energy Arms! (Arabian techno music)
- Appeareance :
- Peach Energy Arms is Duke's peach-based armored Arabian Soldier/Archer form. Accessed through the Peach Energy Lockseed (reserved for Marika), this form bears the Momoc Headpiece helmet with the Steering Eye visor. While assuming Peach Energy Arms, Duke dons the Peach Energy Armor Part and his Arms Weapon is the Sonic Arrow.
- Genesis Driver - Transformation device (taken by Yoko Minato to transform into Marika after Ryoma's death, replacing her own which he had disabled). Obtains a new one to use as Mecha Ryoma Sengoku, reconstructed by Megahex, only to be taken by Takatora Kureshima to transform into Zangetsu Shin, in the same case as Yoko did.
- Sengoku Driver - Initial transformation device
- Duke Lockseeds - Gives access to Duke's Arms changes, depending on which lock is used
- Arms Weapons - Weapons that come with the Arms:
- Sonic Arrow - Duke's personal weapon in Lemon Energy Arms and Dragon Energy Arms/li>
- WizarSwordGun - Duke Wizard Arms' personal weapon/li>
- Hakaider Shot - Hakaider's personal weapon.